Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Out Side Pictures


This is the bell pole with hanging baskets of the petunia that we raised from seeds. Really doing good don’t you think?


 CIMG1734  These are the First Petunia that we planted outside they really took off. They look much better than the bushes we had there last year.

CIMG1738 CIMG1737 More petunia around front in the landscaping, after we were done with the seeding there were more than 85 petunia plants that we raised, not counting what we did for Mom and Dad.

CIMG1743 And this is my number one helper Zoey, she is a year old and really likes to play a lot.



Nancy M. said...

The flowers look great! Zoey is pretty!

Kelli said...

What pretty flowers - and Zoe too!